
Microscopy Characterization of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces


Dates: 23-24 February 2017

The meeting is dedicated to microscopy of materials comprised of both organic and inorganic constituents (in close proximity) and is aimed at bringing together experts from both the life science and materials science communities to address this challenging and increasingly important topic.

The second edition of the meeting broadens its horizons and is welcoming not only electron microscopists but scientists applying other microscopy techniques to share their knowledge and expertise in solving complex problems related to hybrid materials (bio-inspired composites, hybrid solar cells, mineralized tissues, colloidal nanoparticles, etc.).

We are delighted to have talks given by world-leading experts in microscopy!
Check the event programme

In addition we introduce a special Focus Lecture series which will be held on the second day.
This year, it will be organized together with The Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) and be dedicated to "Cryogenic preparation and imaging strategies for soft matter in materials science".

Scientific Organisers: Dr. Nadezda V. Tarakina, Dr. Roland Fleck, Dr. Andy Bushby, Dr. Natalie Reznikov, Mr. Russell Bailey